Today has been really laid back but I just know that this coming week is going to be hectic as usual. Highlight of this week has been and will be the fantastically fun barakuda practices. It’s just so wacky. Haha. And yes, it’s been confirmed that for now, Sayang and I are the only two year 1 girls. Not that there were that many girls to begin with!

Work at the clinic is getting boring and redundant now that they have got a full time clinical assistant to replace me. I wish it was much busier then I would be able to run around and act all flustered. Haha. Did a couple of photos today and took the pressure, refraction and vision. Haven’t done those in eons. OCT as usual. Let me guess, all of you haven’t a clue what I am blabbering on about. Never mind. One of these days I will explain. For now, all you need to know is that I am a clinical assistant and enjoy the good life there.

Was supposed to meet Stephen at Queensway shopping centre but things got a bit late and I pulled out. Still feel bad about it. Hehe. Alternative? Stayed at home and did some work amidst the kicking back and relaxing.

Updates: I have cut my hair and in my opinion it is horrible.

               Scholarship is moving slowly and just waiting for referees.

               I have not been getting sufficient sleep and sleep in class almost every day.

               Still trying to find a good spiritual support group somewhere in school.

               Basically there are a lot of changes for me to get used to.


So before my head hits the keyboard, I shall take my well-deserved leave.((: